near eastern countries câu
eastern european countries
They were from one of these Eastern European countries.Trong số đó phải có 1 thành viên từ các nước Đông Âu. Won't eastern European co...

middle eastern countries
He predicts that democracy in Iraq will spread to other Middle Eastern countries.Ông tiên đoán dân chủ ở Iraq sẽ lan rộng ra Trung Đông...

cooperation between china and central and eastern european countries
In April, Greece became a full member of the mechanism facilitating cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countrie...

all the murders have taken place near A bridge or a tunnel.Các án mạng xảy ra ở nơi gần cầu hoặc đường hầm. It is near impossible to b...

near by
Yes Shashi... there's an Indian sweet shop near by... don't worryPhải đó Shashi... có một tiệm bánh Ấn Độ gần đây Đừng lo You had bett...

near to
And all the animals drew near to him and said:Và tất cả muông thú ngồi kề bên chàng, chúng nói: Go as near to the front as po...

I used to live quite near-by and have friends living there.Tôi thường hay đi công việc qua Đà Nẵng, có nhiều bạn bè sống ở đó. We work...

Much has been made of the hostility between our countries.Đã có nhiều sự thù địch giữa quốc gia của chúng ta. My mother still does not...

Is there any way to make this more Middle Eastern?Có cách nào để làm cái này? Giống ...kiểu Trung Đông hơn? It's a nasty street gang f...

be near in blood
For someone to be so close they’re in my be near in blood có họ gần

come near
You fucking cops come near this door, I start killing people.Tên cớm nào lại gần cửa, tao sẽ bắt đầu giết chóc. Don't ever come near m...

come near to
come near to smashing up a car they passed just before that.”hoạn mà chỉ kéo cái xe vừa nặng vừa lên dốc nữa”. Only through love does ...

draw near
"To you it will not draw near." 91:7Nhưng tai họa sẽ chẳng đến gần ngươi” (Thi Thiên 91:7). They draw near and come for judgment, per ...

far and near
People have come from far and near to be healed.Lập tức an hô hoán người dân ở gần đến cứu chữa. I’ve been on many mission trips, both...

in the near future
A point that you'll be arriving at sometime in the near future?Cái mà mày sẽ gặp phải trong thời gian sắp tới ấy? His friends in Rome ...

infinitely near
The description of the behaviour on the complement may require infinitely near points to be introduced to account for limiting behaviou...

near and dear
Books have always been near and dear to my heart.Thiên thần luôn ở rất gần và thân yêu với trái tim tôi. Angels have always been very ...

near at hand
Gimli was busy with a small fire near at hand.Gimli đang bận rộn nhóm lên một đống lửa nhỏ gần đó. But, it also means that Christmas i...

near collision
(i)A near collision with any other flying device;i) Suýt va chạm với một thiết bị bay khác; "The ship near collision you mentioned is ...

near colorless
G-H-I-J is a near colorless (nearly white, very little yellow) range.G-H-I-J gần như không màu (Nearly colorless) G to J – Near colorl...

near completion
U.S. and South Korea Near Completion of Missile-Defense SystemMỹ và Hàn Quốc gần hoàn thành hệ thống phòng thủ A massive toll road is ...

near east
the article said the accident was on route 60 Near east west highway.Bài báo ghi vụ tai nạn ở đường 60 gần cao tốc đông tây. Things to...

near echo
We moved into a very impoverished area of Los Angeles, near Echo Park.Chúng tôi phải tới một khu vực rất nghèo khó ở Los Angeles, gần E...

near end
Is PC Gaming facing its near end?Liệu PC đang đi về hồi kết trong tương lai gần? Raymond's friend owned a small wooden bungalow at the...

near equilibrium
Because systems do not operate near equilibrium, resilience is associated with the change the system can tolerate and the ability to re...